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Jeruton Hotel

Jeruton Hotel
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

coming soon: Teckademic car club and Brunei Lancer Ex cLub photo shoot

i'll be doing coverage later today so stay tuned for picz of brunei lancer ex club plus Ameru S15...Buckstar FN civic 09 Type-R and hopefully Reza yellow rEVOlution & se7en white custome kits Hyundai coupe can make it later on behalf of the teckademics..p/s time and place has been foward tru ur club leader

next week Teckademic fleet will welcome the new arrival of another nissan badge car which hopefully i can cover it and thanks for the owner for the test drive(passenger ganya) am so jelous of u hehehe..bah aku take pic ah owner hehehe. Plus photo outing for the Bling..Bling 22' black hyundai santa fe...

stay tuned....

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